

I consider myself a conceptual artist. I begin with an idea or concept that intrigues me and then start exploring different mediums to visually express the idea.  I am interested in exploring the ambiguity of simultaneous construction, deconstruction and reconstruction, and the points where they occur simultaneously, as it occurs in nature, cultures and institutions.  Like a tree growing up in a crack in a rock and at the same time the tree is being constructed the rock is being deconstructed.  An organism is conceived, and continues to grow, while at the same time it begins to die.  Societies develop, break down and are rebuilt.  My work visually expresses these processes, most often exploring environmental issues and cycles.  Bees, butterflies, ice and barbed wire are recurring themes in my work.  With my environmental installations, rather than lecture the viewer I try to create an experience that will move the viewer to care about the issue on an emotional rather than academic level. 

Jane McMahan is a conceptual artist living in Boulder, Colorado.  She uses photography, video, painting and installation in her projects. Born in Wausau, Wisconsin McMahan received her BFA from the University of Colorado.  She then did graduate work in Architecture before turning to teaching.  Ms. McMahan taught art in the public schools for 12 years before returning full time to her own work in 1998.  

McMahan’s artwork is often influenced by her place in the natural world. Her current work explores ways to visually capture the process of construction, deconstruction and reconstruction, and the moments when they occur simultaneously.   She is interested in the extremes within this process.  Current themes in her work include nature and environmental red flags, cultural and political interactions and social issues.        

McMahan has been part of Artnauts since 2009.