

My art talks about "Time", and timeless issues. Being part of the world , trascending boundaries, languages, cultures. Consciousness of earth and universe, using recycled materials; also using land, sand from the place were the art is done, ritual of gratefulness towards earth. My conceptual art , tries to connect the human being with his own sense of entireness, through a meditation, while looking at my art pieces. 

Concepts of time: now,  the present, were I am, were I was born, "Mi Tierra"; mixed with from were I come, my roots, past; and where I might go, acts of the present moment. I also question languages, metric system, concepts inside any western culture. Communication trascends different languages. The bilingual energy of both languages, English and Spanish. Words that travel to make us think. Sense of sharing the rounded world. Respect for the land. Inspiration of being part of this art group, as a lung of renewing air for the world.

I studied Art in a chilean university: Universidad Finisterrae, Santiago de Chile, South America. During the 90s I had the opportunity of being a transfer student at CU Boulder-Colorado University. Where I got a scholarship in 2000. In Chile I got all the tools for being a metal sculpture artist, and all the studies to be a painter with classic techniques, of acrylic and oil paintings. At CU boulder I had the opportunity of getting the tools for doing conceptual art, and modern art; I had my most important teachers that make the core of my art, like Tony Rosatto and Garrison Roots.

In 1998 I met George Rivera in Holland and I was invited to be part of the beginning of Artnauts. We had an exhibition in the most important place of my country, Museo de Bellas Artes in 1998. Then we had another exhibition in Valdivia, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo same year, MAC de Valdivia. Later we had some shows in Spain and Mexico. For me doing art is like breathing. 

 Norambuena has been part of Artnauts since 1998.